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大家在看开局帝境宗主,无限合成仙人长老 绝世唐门 闭关十万年,无敌真寂寞 逆天神尊 葬天塔 丹田被毁,觉醒镇天珠! 开局废了,我开启最强进化 长生:从修炼残本秘技开始 多子多福:从娶妻开始变强 西游,我六耳,全知全能 
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第149章 moment

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Seventy meters ahead, shoot, keep your eyes bright for me

Second Company, if there is a gap in the left wing position, immediately block it up for me, take human life to fill it up, and also fill it up for me

Attendant officer, arrange for the soldiers of the death squadron to prepare a fierce * * bag. If there is danger at the protruding part of the position, the death squadron will join me and be sure to guard the protruding part for me

Wu Long's selfless mand on the battlefield, with every turn, gesture, and mand, showcased the general's demeanor. But this' elegance 'in Lin Er's eyes is nothing but a playful and coquettish gesture, to the extreme. Lin Er pulled Hu Kaiqing sarcastically and said, "Look at that wicked pen, it makes you feel like conducting a symphony concerto. It turns out that this guy's blood is from an artist

Hu Kaiqing reluctantly shook his head and began to patrol the position, arranging for the last remaining unit to take over the battle.

The last unit is posed of an exploration team as the backbone, and its strength appears relatively weak. These people are not good at manipulating weapons and do not have excellent hand to hand bat abilities, but the victory lies in the large number of people. After experiencing many setbacks in the city, the only one who still retains strength is probably the exploration team.

Wu Long's troops were filled with passion in their battles, but passion often did not last long. In the face of the overwhelming number of zombies, Wu Long's line was precarious.

Children, it's our turn! "Hu Kaiqing exclaimed in due time, pulling out his long sword from his waist and pointing it at the zombies outside the front line.

The exploration team, who had been waiting for orders after taking shelter, worked together in a group of three to carry * * meters of unequal length iron spears and charged up to the position.



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站内强推龙族 不要在垃圾桶里捡男朋友 烟雨楼 通房 赌石之财色无双 快穿:娇媚宿主怀孕后大佬宠疯了 女配修仙,仇人祭天 造化血狱体 官媛 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 异兽迷城 官场争雄,从女书记的秘书开始 你一个交警,抢刑侦的案子合适吗 灯花笑 红楼之谁也不能打扰我的退休生活 四合院:盖世无双何雨柱 官途狂飙:从秘书到省委书记 迟来深情比草贱,我叛出家你哭啥 重生徐江独子,我绝不下线 刚大学毕业,我让女神老师休产假 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 天赋无敌的我,一心只想苟活 天材地宝杂质太多?让我提纯一下 开局废了,我开启最强进化 从解析太阳开始 开局封王,从建立镇诡司开始 全球超武:从百倍悟性开始 开局鸿蒙不灭体,碾压亿万天骄 长生武道:我每天都能顿悟 修真:从娶漂亮师妹开始 长生:从修炼残本秘技开始 开局无敌仙帝,打造万界第一宗 顶级悟性:从基础拳法开始 末世:从加点开始无限进化 九叔:加入聊天群的我,无敌了! 系统赋我长生,我熬死了所有人 签到百万年,打造万古第一家族 天牢签到二十年,我举世无敌 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 
最近更新凡人吞天 赶我出家门,我成魔神你哭啥 你师兄都无敌了,你们拼什么命啊 玄幻:剑戮玄苍 重生冥河:什么吃瓜?是爆瓜系统 从有火麒麟血脉的小狼崽开始修炼 乞命浮生路 阵压诸仙,且以雷霆撼动 魂穿开挂,但是系统有毒 冰封千年醒来竟成了蛮荒古神 剑断万古,一剑无极! 灵幻界:逆天废柴逆袭记 变强,从强制加一天赋开始 逆袭:从获得诛仙神诀开始 洪荒:人在洪荒,开局一只小乌龟 悟空修真路 玄幻:别人辛苦修炼,我直接无敌 玉府仙缘 修仙从合欢宗开始无敌修仙界 无限吞噬 
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