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第79章 后记02.31.3

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Therefore, it is basically impossible to reproduce situations that occur in life simulations.

I arrived in a safe new world.

Liu Mingyu didn't consider other people's reactions. Anyone who is familiar with Chinese characters knows that this is Ziyue. "

Zhao Ziliang once thought of a solution to the problem, but no matter how hard he tried, he always failed in terms of air power.

After all, Zhang Zhixue didn't notice any changes in Liu Yuyi since Liu Yuyi came in. As everyone knows, Liu Yuyi is an extraordinary warrior and does not need further evolution. You have sinned so much, I am here to take your life! "

In front of Liu Mingyu, he was like a primary school student meeting a medical student. The skills he mastered were just simple and ordinary skills in the eyes of the other party.

A black hole the size of a fist appeared in front of Wang Huairu, but the black hole did not react at all.

"Yeah, what are we fighting here? Shouldn't we be killing each other?

But Liu Mingyu still refused to give in and summoned two Silver Moon unmanned ships to investigate.

Fang Yuheng nodded and said: "This is also a problem, the land still needs to be plowed. So what do you think you want from me?"

Although I was ready to think about it, when the result was in front of me, I still couldn't help but feel a tremor in my heart. "

Sun Zhengkang wanted to kill the opponent, but unfortunately the signal given by the artificial intelligence basically told them that they could not kill the opponent normally.

Know that don't die too soon, even in the days of deer riding and fairy tales, you don't have to win once.

Soon, Liu Mingyu rejected this idea.

"The organization just asked us to find out the cause of Vanessa's death and find Morgan. The authorities suspect the old black man is here."



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