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大家在看混沌天帝诀 吾,大帝遗腹子,开局重瞳至尊骨 闭关十万年,无敌真寂寞 葬天塔 剑道丹尊 丹田被毁,觉醒镇天珠! 混沌吞天诀 多子多福:从娶妻开始变强 玄幻:我和女帝的九世孽缘 当上赘婿的我只好读书成圣了 
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第45章 埃尔德里埃尔德里奇避风港奇避风港

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“Do you still remember?” Li Jiahong was a little surprised.

Li Youning nodded. ``I often have the same dreams. In my dreams, I see an old man wearing red clothes and with a big painted face. When my father and I are in danger, he stands up for us. He's ugly, but... cool."

When Li Jiahong heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Uncle Hong, please don't say this, it will make me sad."

"In fact, I call him brother when he's in front of me."

"...It seems like you're having a bit of a loss of concentration."

After walking for about 10 minutes, Li Yuning finished eating the ice cream. Li Jiahong put her daughter down and asked her to throw out the garbage. Then father and daughter walked home hand in hand again. They weaved in and out of the surging crowd like fish against the current.

“Oh, by the way, when will Uncle Li, who always attracts so much attention, e back?”

"Dad doesn't know either, but from the looks of it, it's ing soon."

“Dad, Uncle Li is actually very stupid.”

"Why did you call him an idiot?"

``You know, Sister Xiaoyu has been by his side all this time, but he didn't notice.'' Li Yuning said, ``Sister Xiaoyu asked me to keep this a secret. "I guess you wanted to see when your uncle would find out," he said with a wicked smile.

Li Jian's body was broken, her skin was torn, and her skin texture was pletely unhealthy. It was no different from an ordinary walking corpse. He was surrounded by pieces of glass vampire flesh. The magic knife in his hand turned red, and the tip of the knife also turned red. The blood drops are like saliva, symbolizing hunger. He is still not satisfied with the current number of kills and wants more.

Li Jian'an walked with a limp. The right side of his body was flexible, but it had been eroded by the power of the magic knife, and he couldn't feel anything. A tube was injected into the body that had been swallowed, and the blood and flesh on the right side of the body was replaced, but the right side of the brain remained intact.



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