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第80章 后记02.313.3

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The best way is to build the space portal using normal methods. “Haha, I know where the food is.

And enemies can attack.

Zhang Wenyu's originally confident face was pletely shattered by Liu Mingyu's punch. He stood up and bowed to apologize: "I'm sorry, interviewer, I didn't go beyond my capabilities, and I'm sorry to bother you.

"Xianxian, stop crying, I will find your brother."

Jiao Huaxian's heart was filled with anger.

Without a purifier, everything is murky. "

Sun Zhengkang, who had been practicing tirelessly, immediately received a report from his assistant. "orchid

On the way here, Sun Zhengkang has already begun conducting various tests on unknown creatures.

These smart robots are not very expensive and do not consume a lot of resources, but these smart robots cannot be produced in unlimited quantities. "

Liu Mingyu recalled that in every story, the partnership between Zhao Ziliang and Sun Zhengkang achieved good results.

After experiencing the negative effects of the energy wave, meteors are no longer visible before the energy wave.

Although not defeated, it is still flawed. "Li Xian took the order and left the office.

Five or six years ago, he participated in extreme sports but won nothing.

In desperation, they could only bring four drones.

They tried the wall.

Thinking of this possibility, Qin An stopped thinking about it. You can speak all your trumpets easily, aren't you afraid of being alone?

Wang Hui's spaceships are scattered around.

Another ship, the Purple Moon, is researching more information to prepare for the ing battle. Did I hear it correctly?”

"Okay, no problem, I'll do it right away.

Of course, Sun Zhenzhengkang must judge what is important and what is irrelevant. "

Fang Yuheng knew that Bai Feng couldn't make a decision immediately, so he stood up and said, "Okay, let's wait for Mr. Bai Feng." Yes.



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