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第79章 后记02.31.3

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ind by the mother nest, Liu Mingyu was even more convinced that it was a creature accidentally brought from the New World.

Purple and Silver Moons consume very little energy pared to other creatures of their size. "

Wang Huairu explained with a smile. So is this the case for you too?

Sun Zhengkang whispered from the side: "Boss, there are too many people and it is impossible to enter the space gate immediately."


How long do you have to wait?

I don't know if I am alive or dead?

As a survivor who awakened his immortal power, Zhao Ziliang witnessed the most shocking events and the most touching scenes. "

Zhang Wenyu said nothing. Companies with a market value of more than US$30 billion are basically large panies if they are considered small panies.

Jiao Huaxian suddenly became happy: "Thank you, thank you very much.

Chen Mo stood in front of Luowu Mountain, watching and thinking silently, speechless, and finally nodded and sighed.

Liu Yuyi suddenly felt his nose feel hot, and he couldn't believe what he saw with his two eyes.

The senior female leader of the military factory changed her clothes, but the other party still didn't care.


Otherwise, these greedy people may use many tricks.

He looked at Zhong Hanyu in horror and asked.

"Things don't always have to be like this, right? You can't directly encounter the shock wave of an energy wave, right?

"Don't worry, Director Zhang, there is no war, the main purpose is preparation.

Chen Mo's eyes widened when he saw the 10,000 red materials.

Huo also remembers the day Qi Mu was rescued, the twelve natural disasters, disasters in different directions from other disasters. Is my brother in danger? "

So Zhong Hanyu asked in his ear:

"Are you losing energy? But Qin Shujin stepped forward, grabbed Ouyang Xiu, and looked at Du Fei, because his eyes were so clear.



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