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大家在看都市之神医下山 重生60年代,开局就上山下乡 重生徐江独子,我绝不下线 四合院:风言风语 官场争雄,从女书记的秘书开始 苟在四合院捡漏 幸福生活从1949年开始 股道人生 四合院一边缘人 四合院:重生贾东旭,开局新婚夜 
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第52章 假的

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Qin Yu thought for a moment and said, “It’s hard to say, but it’s probably not a problem.”

Di Zun said in a deep voice, “I think Yongji would not dare to act rashly. He is very afraid of the sect master.”

Qin Yu didn’t say anything. In the entire southern province, there seemed to be no one who wasn’t afraid of the sect master of the Heavenly Cloud sect.

Of course, there were exceptions, such as Wen Wanyi and Jue Wu.

“Alright, leave the rest to me.”Qin Yu patted Di Zun’s shoulder.

Then, he looked at Yong Ji who was not far away.

And coincidentally, Yong Ji also looked at Qin Yu.

Their eyes met, and a killing intent came quietly.

Yongji glared at Qin Yu, and his teeth clenched.

If he was not afraid of the “Sect master of the Tianyun sect,”he would have attacked long ago.

“You all saw it, right? Yongji’s original intention was to negotiate.”Not far away, Kong you was still bragging about his contributions.

And in front of him, Yongji had already set his eyes on the eighteen gods.

He was extremely conflicted, but he didn’t dare to casually make a move.

At this moment, a voice entered Yong Ji’s mind.

“That sect master of the Heavenly Cloud sect is fake. He’s one of the eighteen gods of the Heavenly Cloud sect. There’s no need to be afraid.”

Yong Ji was stunned. This voice was actually Sima Bei’s!

“Lord Sima Bei, where are you?”Yong Ji hurriedly asked.

Sima bei said coldly, “I’m nearby. The moment things change, I’ll immediately act.”

“Other than me, there are many cultivators waiting nearby in the north. You can go as boldly as you want.”

With Sima Bei’s words, Yong Ji’s heart was instantly filled with courage.

He looked in the direction of the eighteen gods and shouted once again, “Invite the sect master of the Heavenly Cloud sect to e and have a chat!”



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