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大家在看玄幻:成为瞎子,我游历江湖 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 天材地宝杂质太多?让我提纯一下 百圣齐鸣的状元郎!你管这叫酸儒秀才? 我的资质能无限提升 神话纪元,我进化成了恒星级巨兽 纯阳神体:仙魔双修 九叔:无敌,从先天道根开始! 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 天域丹尊 
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第146章 overnight

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The excavation at the entrance of the tunnel opens diagonally upwards, winding and winding for over ten meters. When Wu Long jumped down with someone from above, it was precisely because there was a slight slope that he was not thrown into a meat cake. But for zombies, it's hard to say.

The group of zombies surrounded from all directions, and after a long journey, they corresponded with each other's division of labor and cooperation. After losing the tide, the four major armies of the east, west, north, south, and finally won the "meeting".

These first generation zombies followed the scent and footsteps of humanity, but after eventually reuniting, they found that their targets had disappeared like boiled ducks. The zombies smell me and I smell you, and the scene bees even more irritable as they roar and howl incessantly.

Unfortunately, the intelligence of these large zombies is worrisome, and the X virus is not very effective in boosting their brains, so almost all zombies did not pay attention to the underground cave with a diameter of several meters.

The group of corpses held a People's Congress in the wilderness on the ground below the city, summarizing why the enemy had disappeared.

There is a continuous stream of corpses in the hills, forests, and even beyond, gathering densely on the wilderness. The zombies howled anxiously in unison, and the collective erupted into earth shattering cries and screams. This kind of moaning and hissing scared the most arrogant starlings, sparrows, cicadas, and others in the jungle, all of whom remained silent. It can be said that their aura was astonishing.

This scared the people in the lower city. The big guys covered their mouths and looked up at the entrance of the tunnel, listening to the howls of thousands of zombies ing from there.



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站内强推重生之将门毒后 我的倾城小师姐 龙族 我在星际重着山海经 为官二十年:从副镇长到省委书记 首辅娇娘 上门龙婿 你一个交警,抢刑侦的案子合适吗 重生七零夺回巨额家产后她随军了 仙逆 重生大时代之王 官场:救了女领导后,我一路飞升 六零:冷面军官被科研大佬拿捏了 四合院:重回50年,傻柱从军 六十年代随军日常 官路红颜 六零:爸妈死后给我留下巨额遗产 七零炮灰,穿越摆烂成军嫂被爆宠 一品仵作 权臣闲妻 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 天材地宝杂质太多?让我提纯一下 诡异药剂师:我的病人皆为恐怖 长生武道:我每天都能顿悟 签到十八年,陛下让我迎娶公主? 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 开局觉醒系统,苟到长生无敌 开局无敌仙帝,打造万界第一宗 靠属性变强,我在镇守司吃软饭 高武:神话最强传说 圣王强者召唤不停,创建无上神庭 玄幻:开局百亿倍增幅的我无敌了 洪荒:求求你别再广纳道侣了! 长生不死的我只练禁术 开局:我有重瞳仙骨混沌道体 国运之战:我以妖族镇诸天 万倍暴击增幅,废材变大帝 玄幻:我!帝族反派,横推万古 开局召唤西门吹雪我决定苟在幕后 
最近更新疯了吧?我刚先天他就仙帝了! 修真,我有交易系统 降生仙帝洛家,太初鸿蒙压万古 天命真龙诀 重生成废物,老婆却是大反派? 大荒古帝经 谁想离婚,不都是你们逼的? 仙途问鼎:师尊命我共修七仙女 乾游记 阴阳道体的我,开局成为女剑仙炉鼎 港综诸天邪神 九叔:修为暴增?是祖师爷显灵了 我,书生,以力破万法 逆天重生命炼乾坤 我家大师兄实在是太不正经了 全民穿越:我在帝星天骄争霸 开局大能修为,副本随便开 混水摸鱼一亿年 天上来不复回 传送试炼星,开局搭救女主 
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