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第87章 被诅咒的地下世界

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Ani balances well, but hits the wall and almost falls to the ground.

The sound of stepping stones was enough to attract the attention of the onlookers, and his right arm was slightly immobilized when he hit the wall.

(do not disturb)

The pain of the collision made An Yi cry out in pain, but the children's bodies were very sensitive to pain.

A stone hit the ground, and the sound of the impact alerted the monster to the alien, who turned his attention away from the "food" and towards An II, who was trying to escape.

The dragon is lying on the ground, but it is not the time to eat, but the time to hunt.

Although the external structure of the body is not different from humans, this method of hunting is similar to lizards.

I'm afraid that even the creatures that take care of this dragon will die in a hurry.

This terrible red sight could not escape An Yi's attention.

In the next moment, An Yi endured the pain and finally realized that it was the monster that discovered him.

The two eyes looked at each other.

This is how Chi saw the true face of the beast.

She was an attractive white-skinned woman who looked like a recently deceased corpse.

The muscles of the arms are very strong and seem to have been used for a long time.

His soft face was stained with blood, but not from the animal, but from the meat he had eaten.

No matter who the person was, the angel did not feel fortable when he saw that person.

Because this kind of magical power shows that it is not an earthly animal.

What does a person's appearance show? He doesn't know yet.

However, on the ground where the monster's feet stood, I saw claw marks, as if someone had dug them with a sharp tool.

The other II looked at his opponent's hand, but there was no doubt that these claw marks were only left when the monster was strong on the ground.



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