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大家在看混沌天帝诀 开局成圣却做了上门女婿 逆天神尊 剑道丹尊 成神从双修开始 绝世女帝:没人敢要,我扛她回家 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 当上赘婿的我只好读书成圣了 国运之战:我以妖族镇诸天 封神:提升悟性,领悟世界大道! 
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第44章 纳撒尼尔·克罗斯教授

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``Do you have any proof?'' Uta Ryoko's face was solemn, but her hand was shaking as she held the cup.

Matsumoto Gin spread his hands and shook his head, “Unfortunately, that was not the case, this is just my personal belief.

The call to Rumi Kawakami was from a public phone booth. Since there were no cameras installed in or around the park where the phone booth was located, subsequent investigations yielded no results. What's more, Rumi Kawakami's cell phone only had call logs and no recordings, so she didn't know about it. Based on what the callers told him at the time, it's hard to say whether this call was his last straw.

Therefore, even if the person who made this plaint eventually discovers it, it cannot be wholeheartedly condemned. ”

Ryoko smiled and said, ``I thought you had strong evidence.''

Gin Matsumoto nodded and said to the other party in a serious voice, ``Uta Ryoko, please do not misunderstand me at all. I have not e here to pursue any purpose. I just want to confirm something. Judging by your acting.'' Well, I'm sure you're not the one I'm looking for, so... you know, you're actually very lucky. ”

``What he said is true, otherwise he will draw his sword and cut you into long pieces.'' Li Jia'an, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up.

Utarako was taken aback and said, "You... you're not a law enforcement officer. Who are you!?"

When Uta Ryoko heard this, she was 100% sure that the two people in front of her were not people who could enforce the law, but they were also not ordinary people.

After that, Utarako considered the possibility, but it turned out to be even more hopeless than confirming the identity of the other law enforcement officer.

"Are you... an investigator?"

Gin Matsumoto smiled, and the truth was clear to Utarako.



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