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大家在看大明暴君,我为大明续运三百年 七天拯救大明?我还是上吊吧 天天勾栏听曲,成镇国驸马了? 带着战略仓库回大唐 汉乡 刚刚权倾朝野,就被女帝模拟人生 红楼:开局被流放,我要造反 水浒:什么靖康?不存在的 大唐开局找李世民退婚 明末造反专业户 
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第283章 关于查理曼传以及盎萨货币

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19. as i have mehe northmen i will show by a drawn frn ra slight estimation they hold faith and baptism. just as after the death david, the neighb peoples, wh hand had subdued, f time paid their tribute to his peaohe terrible race of the ill loyally paid to lewis the tribute which through terror they had paid to his father, the most august emperor ious emperor lewis took pity on their envoys, ahem if they would be willihe religion; ahey a always and everywhere ahey were ready to obey him, he ordered them to be baptised in the name of him, of whom the mustine says:“if there were no trih would never have said:‘go and teach all peoples, baptisihe he father, son and holy ghost.’” the he p almost as , and each reperor’s chamber a white robe and from their sponsors a full frankish attire, of costly robes and arms aions.

this was often done ao year they umbers, not for the sake of christ but for earthly advahey made haste to e, not as envoys a as loyal vassals, o themselves at the disposal of the emperor; and it happe oain o they ber of fifty. the emperor asked them whether they wished to be baptised, ahey had fessed he bade them forthwith be sprih holy water. as lis were not ready i numbers he ordered shirts to be d sewhe fashion of s. ohese was forthon the shoulders of ohe elder men; and when he had looked all over it for a minute, he ceived fierger in his mind, and said to the emperor:“i have gh this washiwenty times already, and i have been dressed ihes of perfeess; but a sack like this is more fit for clodhoppers than for soldiers. if i were not afraid of my nakedness, for you have taken away my own d have given me no new ones, i would soon leave your and your christ as well.”



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站内强推十日终焉 仕途人生 我在精神病院学斩神 官场从秘书开始 重生之将门毒后 年代1960:穿越南锣鼓巷, 乳娘的诱惑 诡舍 剑来 官运:从遇到美女书记开始 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 青云官路:从小职员到封疆大吏 全球高考 长生从炼丹宗师开始 重生60年代,开局就上山下乡 天兽鼎 和我妈敌蜜儿子的地下情 村野小神农 修真高手的田园生活 重生:全系专利,斩断欧美科技树 
经典收藏大明暴君,我为大明续运三百年 带着战略仓库回大唐 抗日:大将之路 天崩开局,从死囚营砍到并肩王 天天勾栏听曲,成镇国驸马了? 盘点历朝败家子,嬴政老朱气疯了 最强皇子:我能召唤文臣武将 大宋:我在李清照身上捡属性 红楼:开局被流放,我要造反 大明国师 唐人的餐桌 乱世:多子多福,开局收留姐妹花 他一拳能打死吕布,你管这叫谋士 军阀,签到发展,列强竟是我自己 大唐:我就制个盐,竟被封国公 抗战:开局召唤一个德械师 大唐:超时空,闺蜜晋阳小公主! 气炸李世民,长孙皇后怀我孩子了 大秦:朕准你当咸鱼了吗 三国:天子刘协,添加好友就变强 
最近更新弃婿崛起之路 穿越白虎之洪荒 三国之我是正经人 伏羲夫妻 我打罗马?真的假的? 大周九皇子 魂附废柴公子开启逆袭成就霸业 日月悬空 大汉兵王 江山百美图 大秦:阿房之子,我为千古一帝 大秦:治粟内史的狂想宏图 魂穿古代造就一世人皇 三国大军湿家 开局逆天任务我三国武力话事人 大明仙师 佳丽三千还不够,女帝你都上手了 开局拥兵百万,不做太子直接称帝 闭关锁国让大明领先世界数百年 从崇祯开始的祖宗集会 
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