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I think there should be some rules regarding what can be claimed and what can't. Currently, it is possible to claim around the end portal. Since there are only a limited number of strongholds, it is possible for someone to claim them all and then build boxes around them so that other people can't go visit the end without teleporting to a home or someone else.

Hello everyone!

Nov. 1st, 2020 is the one-year anniversary of Survival season 7.0, so I decided to host a giveaway to celebrate that. The prize is a /disguise perk. It's simple to join this giveaway. Reply to the thread with the information below and you'll be entered!

Your IGN and your discord name (including the tag)

Your acplishments, favorite parts, or good memories in season 7

Your plans for season 8

Make sure to answer all the questions above so that your entry is valid. The giveaway will end on Nov. 1st at 11:59 pm MST. The winner will be chosen randomly.

Good luck everyone :D

It’s hard to believe Survival 7.0 is already almost eight months old. Time flies! It’s time for another reset and a new season to e, so I’m making a Mega Thread.

With the 1.12 update introduced in season 7.0 and the new changes and ideas suggested by the munity, Season 8.0 will definitely be a season to look forward to!

More Focus on the Resources Worlds

Better Economy

Better PvP

More Ways to Play

More Things to Do

This mega thread is a detailed list of changes and new features suggested by the Survival munity (including myself) that I believe could or should be added for Survival season 8.0.

If you have more ideas or would like to add to or change some of the suggestions listed here, please leave a ment. Feedbacks from the munity is always helpful!



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站内强推十日终焉 剑来 年代1960:穿越南锣鼓巷, 青云官路:从小职员到封疆大吏 重生60年代,开局就上山下乡 烟雨楼 重生:权势巅峰 不要在垃圾桶里捡男朋友 谍战:我其实能识别间谍 我在星际重着山海经 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 系统签到开局无敌修为 欢迎来到我的地狱 综武反派:开局征服宁中则 院士重生:回到1975当知青 凡人修仙之混沌造化诀 四合院里的悠哉日子 我在四合院要做修仙大佬! 四合院:魂穿成烈属,浑身正能量 甄嬛传之宜修重生当太后 
经典收藏诡秘之主 影视世界从小舍得开始 影视都市从四合院开始 我在诸天有角色 四合院的自在日子 四合院:我的穿越为啥这么陋 四合院大国工匠 影视编辑器 诸天影视剧变 火影之无限瞳术 穿越万界:神功自动满级 幼女玩家 海贼之绝巅霸气 随身带个传送门 恰逢雨连天 美漫从五级变种人开始 在美漫当心灵导师的日子 四合院:开局签到100只大肥猪 海贼:青龙加肉球,从神之谷开始 凡人,我能催熟灵药 
最近更新摄政王,我只是个侍卫 长相思之沧海月明同心醉 我这么老实,怎么可能毁副本呢? 时代少年团与绵绵 女总裁的七日恋人 杂事杂文 阿瑞斯奥特曼 闲言碎语说梗讲故事 百字日记 写给拂拂的诗 万界比武场 惊!联姻对象竟是死对头! 厄斯:小白游记 主网王:星海见月 超神之暗影大帝 喜羊羊饲养手册 师徒重生神魂共舞 网王:哪个才是真正的你? 黑与金的协奏 脑叶:加入研究所,我改变了一切 
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