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大家在看开局帝境宗主,无限合成仙人长老 开局鸿蒙不灭体,碾压亿万天骄 修炼9999级了,老祖才100级 万界天帝:从召唤华夏神魔开始 多子多福,从拿捏九幽女帝开始! 多子多福:从娶妻开始变强 我有青莲一朵证长生 天域丹尊 反派的我,真没想让女主怀孕! 美女总裁的无敌仙医 
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Wang Qiang deeply felt the hostility of this group of people and knew that there was no way to continue it. So Wang Qiang clenched his fists and said, "Since the big guy doesn't wele me as an outsider, let's say goodbye

Wang Qiang simply withdrew if he couldn't!

This is thanks to a precious book called "Grandpa's Art of War" that was unearthed from Lao Zhao a few days ago. The article recorded in "Grandpa's Art of War" states: "Thirty six strategies, walking is the best strategy.

When it es to this book 'Grandpa's Art of War', Wang Qiang finds it rare. Although Lao Zhao is regarded as a treasure trove, Wang Qiang feels that this author has no integrity and even claims to be his grandson. However, since Brother Qiang has read it, his grandson also needs to change his name to Grandpa. There is no saying that every person is three levels shorter, and Brother Qiang will not suffer from such losses.

Moreover, in this "Grandfather's Art of War", there are 36 profound strategies, which seem to have hidden mysteries and are difficult to understand. With Brother Qiang's current cultivation, the only one that can be memorized and applied is the last one.

Applying what he has learned is the time to showcase his knowledge, and Wang Qiang felt a surge of pride in his heart. The only regret is the beautiful little apple, which will have to be separated.

The big man A Niu looked at Wang Qiang coldly, neither greeting nor speaking, but with a special silence. Everyone also put on a look of sending off the God of Plague.

Wang Qiang felt bored. He glanced at Jiang Yun next to A Niu Da Han, and Jiang Yun also looked at him. Wang Qiang knew it was not advisable to delay and turned away.

At this moment, Wang Qiang faintly heard the roar of the motor.

Yes, the sound ranges from far to near.



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站内强推重生之将门毒后 重回1982小渔村 穿书后女配才是五个哥哥的真团宠 我的倾城小师姐 乳娘的诱惑 重生之女将星 你一个交警,抢刑侦的案子合适吗 全家偷听我心声杀疯了,我负责吃奶 灯花笑 重生官场:开局迎娶副省长千金 穿成女屠夫后,全村去逃荒 烟雨楼 四合院的钓鱼佬 重生官场:从京都下基层权利巅峰 网游:我有超神级天赋 你惹他干嘛,他连昆仑都敢踏平 彪悍军嫂,一手烂牌打上人生巅峰 官路红颜 抗战:我有个军火库 玄幻:成为瞎子,我游历江湖 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 神话纪元,我进化成了恒星级巨兽 天赋无敌的我,一心只想苟活 从解析太阳开始 高武:爆率点满,从刷怪开始成神 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 横推诡怪,我是极道武圣 刚成鸿蒙至尊,就被榜单曝光了! 万倍返还,我收徒百无禁忌 末世:从加点开始无限进化 玄幻:开局百亿倍增幅的我无敌了 顶级悟性:从基础拳法开始 重生为鱼,十年成蛟,百年化龙! 家族:我都大帝了,你和我退婚? 开局:我有重瞳仙骨混沌道体 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 上交亿倍灵石入宗,吓坏女帝师尊 从林家村开始无敌万古 万古神帝 
最近更新我们玩的游戏不一样 玄魄世界 吞噬万物:从癞蛤蟆进化成毒饕餮 开局诛杀小魅魔,加点满级伏魔掌 龙牙兵 地球疯狗出笼记 绝世丹魂:仙道征途 龙血腾 仙娱天尊 异界:开局买下白毛兽耳娘 修仙:坐等绝灵时代的到来 创世纪之东游记 末世开始成万界系统主宰之主 玩家契约兽宠,全为我打工! 出生秒仙帝,除了无敌还是无敌 诡道修行之昆仑迷踪 开局:召唤仙帝,打造禁忌势力 开局万界霸主系统,仙界成神之路 我的三位盖世祖师 仙途幽道 
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