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大家在看开局帝境宗主,无限合成仙人长老 绝世唐门 闭关十万年,无敌真寂寞 逆天神尊 丹田被毁,觉醒镇天珠! 开局召唤西门吹雪我决定苟在幕后 天骄战纪 多子多福:从娶妻开始变强 洪荒之鸿蒙世界树 西游,我六耳,全知全能 
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第146章 overnight

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Several frontline soldiers, armed with swords and shields, fainted and fell to the ground near the corridor. Lin Er and Wu Long were anxious in their eyes. Following this rhythm, there was no need for zombies to discover the entrance of the tunnel and then rush in, just to play on it overnight

The soldier's grief came from the midst of it, and the damn zombie bit him down, and he was almost sentenced to death, unless amputated. At the height of the battle, there was no chance of amputation. The soldier let out a howl, furious, and immediately threw away his shield. He raised his long sword and broke away from the formation, charging into the group of zombies.

Xiaoge, you're going to die, e back quickly, "the mander of the mand team shouted urgently, sweating profusely.

Captain, I was bitten by a zombie and can't live anymore. Remember to avenge me! "Little Ge soldier replied loudly. Before he could finish speaking, he had already rushed into the entrance of the corridor and slashed at the constantly falling zombies.

Once a person abandons their desire for life and decides to resist with death, they will bee a monster even more terrifying than a zombie.

In the group of zombies, the warrior Xiaoge Changdao danced like a crazy tiger, killing him crazily, disregarding the increasing number of wounds on his body. These zombies don't care if their bodies are heavily damaged, just bite their mouths at the soldiers.

Warrior Xiaoge bloomed a huge radiance below the corridor, and the zombies looked so humble in the radiance.

However, the biggest difference between humans and zombies lies in their physical constitution. While humans may be exhausted, zombies do not. Gradually, as a mad cow rampaged forward, the movements of the little Ge warrior, who had no unified enemy, gradually slowed down, and the chopping knife gradually lost its original strength.



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