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第87章 被诅咒的地下世界

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Although his right arm is not fully healed, he has no problem carrying a weapon. But if you think about it, it is almost impossible to fight with your right hand against such a beast.

Although he was not used to using his left hand, it currently had more power than his right hand, so Angel's right hand was useless when holding a weapon at close range.

Another Chihuahua pulled a sharp knife from his hip. They are primarily for self-defense.

Very sharp and hard.

It is a knife imbued with magical power that can pierce the animal's body.

He believed that this sword was a magical gift that he had received in the past. It has magic, but it is not very powerful.

But at least you can fight when you meet an animal.

He has a good mind, but I wonder if he is good at magic or if he has a talent for it.

The world slows down when you see monsters in motion.

The opponent's movements are fast, and each step may be acpanied by a strong wind, but Angel can sense the opponent's movements and can even control his opponent's next move.

He's supposed to be a natural killer, so Angie can describe the monster's movements, but there's no way she'll be asked to imitate him.

The angel's body also felt like a world of ice and snow.

But he is not cold, his body is so hot that it melts.

Perhaps this feeling is due to excessive physical potential. Others think so too.

At the same time, Annie felt the pain and without hesitation she raised the knife.

It seems possible to take steps that can be taken now.

Dancing in the sea of fire and singing in purgatory, An Yi felt it every minute and every second.

I don't understand why I think that way, and I don't have time to think about it.

That's because he focused all his attention and thoughts on this knife.

He stabbed the animal in its vital points in a slow motion similar to a surgical incision.



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