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大家在看拒绝系统的各种死法后,我无敌了 逆天神尊 天材地宝杂质太多?让我提纯一下 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 玄幻反派:女主把握不住,让爹来 开局召唤西门吹雪我决定苟在幕后 开局落魄藩王,打造万界无上仙庭 开局:签到神体,被女帝拿下 九龙归一诀 当上赘婿的我只好读书成圣了 
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第32章 尼克斯泰拉

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It is very difficult for my mother to fight the disease every day. My father has to take care of my mother and Xiaopeng at the same time, and it is hard for him to work. Xiao Peng studies hard every day and works hard to be happy so as not to worry his parents.

But that day, my mother was still dead, and I knew it. That day, my mother suddenly became unwell, and the medicine she had kept in the attic was gone, so she fell to the ground and tried to get it, but my father was standing outside. is. Door and mother's medicine. He did not do so, but waited a long time until the mother in the room lost her voice, then opened the door and entered.

My father thought I didn't know, but it was actually his birthday that day, so I left school very early. I bought a birthday present for my father, so I wanted to congratulate him and my mother early...Since my mother passed away, my father has been very happy every day. He blames himself and bees sad. He unconsciously draws on his experiences with his mother in the articles he writes. He has nightmares every day and sometimes dreams about his mother.

Father is very merciful. He doesn't know that his mother was always in the attic, watching over him from this space, both when he was alive and after he went to heaven...

While saying this, Zheng Xiaopeng looked at Chen Xiaolin with sad eyes and looked straight into the girl's eyes. Only then did he realize the deep darkness and distortion that lay behind the girl's sadness.

"Hey, Sister Xiaolin, isn't it a big deal to let your loved ones die when they are suffering?" When Zheng Xiaopeng opened his tearful eyes, the black boy looked like black mud, and his soul moved. Only one part was exposed above the mud.

Hearing the heavy truth, Chen Xiaolin's heart was confused. He didn't know how to answer for a moment. In the end, all he could say was, "I don't think it's good..."



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站内强推龙族 十日终焉 烟雨楼 通房 赌石之财色无双 混沌天帝诀 女配修仙,仇人祭天 重生大时代之王 造化血狱体 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 八零军媳偷跑后,禁欲首长变疯批 四合院:最强主角 你一个交警,抢刑侦的案子合适吗 引她放纵 六十年代随军日常 长夜谍影 穿成女屠夫后,全村去逃荒 长生苟道:开局吹唢呐,送葬修仙 规则怪谈:我能完美利用规则 家族仙途之九境登仙 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 天赋无敌的我,一心只想苟活 天材地宝杂质太多?让我提纯一下 开局废了,我开启最强进化 让你看守皇陵,没让你成绝世剑仙 开局封王,从建立镇诡司开始 开局鸿蒙不灭体,碾压亿万天骄 大帝之下我帝境,大帝之上我开挂 长生武道:我每天都能顿悟 修仙:我用凡物合成宝物 修真:从娶漂亮师妹开始 开局无敌仙帝,打造万界第一宗 靠属性变强,我在镇守司吃软饭 末世:从加点开始无限进化 百圣齐鸣的状元郎!你管这叫酸儒秀才? 枪箭武圣,从镖局记名弟子开始 开局奖励双修功法,女帝说想躺平 开局召唤西门吹雪我决定苟在幕后 全民转职:开局成为时空法师 
最近更新九十大寿,大器晚成系统到来 武道长生:从斩杀狗妖开始 至尊炼丹师 凡人修仙,造物神器聚灵盘 洪荒:人在截教,以力证道 这一剑,决然斩落,红尘破碎 异界召唤之帝庭 玄天战帝 西游:旃檀大圣金蝉王 白莲洲 混乱的轮回 我本村夫 武敌天下 从有火麒麟血脉的小狼崽开始修炼 无双废柴 摆烂三年,出手震惊宗门 雷道九重天 一刀一幡一圣人,我在异界屠仙神 镇天塔 高武六扇门,身穿,无敌,暴爽 
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