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大家在看玄幻:成为瞎子,我游历江湖 拒绝系统的各种死法后,我无敌了 开局鸿蒙不灭体,碾压亿万天骄 开局成圣却做了上门女婿 道诡异仙 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 哥布林:我的子嗣遍布世界 长生:从修炼残本秘技开始 开局废了,我开启最强进化 撩完就跑,开局被妖女追杀 
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第21章 面纱的低语

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He wanted to know this word...

Li Jian's spirit was soaring, and his whole body trembled. No, that's not what he wanted to see. What he really wanted to know was how to defeat the girl he had sex with, and a clear way to avoid almost certain death.

Is this just the beginning and his brain is already affected?

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead. He Jian's reason, which he thought was far superior to that of ordinary people, seemed insignificant and worthless in front of this book of sand. He looked at the dust flowing into the book of sand. The sound of rustling sand sounds like a book laughing at itself.

"Calm down." Li Jia'an secretly admonished himself and silently opened the book.

He looked at the words that came to mind. His eyes seemed to be drawn into a black hole. He stares. He wanted to look out of his eyes and let his soul participate in the all-enpassing book. In the world.

Yu Lianyun saw He Jia’an’s increasingly crazy expression. Ever since the other party opened the book, Yu Lianyun had been watching He Jia'an's actions from the other side. If He Jia'an really went insane because of the Book of Sand, he would banish He Jia'an before he did anything outrageous.

Soon, Yu Lianyun noticed that He Jiaan was moving his hand. Sometimes he smiled wildly, and sometimes his lips pursed in sadness. Even though he was partially paralyzed, he couldn't stop the overflowing excitement.

When He Jia'an made the motion of flipping the book three times in a row, Yu Lianyun could no longer restrain himself. He grabbed He Jia’an’s hand and tried to make him put down the book. But his hands weren't focused on the sand book. , His hand passed through the book and made He Jia'an unable to let go of the hand that was holding the book, but this did not seem to affect He Jia'an's reading. It is still read obsessively, even fanatically.



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站内强推重生之将门毒后 嫡嫁千金 院士重生:回到1975当知青 重生2000:从追求青涩校花同桌开始 穿书后女配才是五个哥哥的真团宠 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 为官二十年:从副镇长到省委书记 官场:美女领导带我青云直上 穿越七零嫁兵王,带着空间成首富 你一个交警,抢刑侦的案子合适吗 重生七零夺回巨额家产后她随军了 官场:分手后,我转身考上省组部 全家偷听我心声杀疯了,我负责吃奶 官途狂飙:从秘书到省委书记 重生官场:开局迎娶副省长千金 地狱公寓 六十年代随军日常 主母日常 春棠欲醉 西游:瞎眼五百年,弟子全是大妖 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 天材地宝杂质太多?让我提纯一下 道诡异仙 神话纪元,我进化成了恒星级巨兽 天赋无敌的我,一心只想苟活 武道资质太低,只好掠夺妖魔天赋 长生武道:我每天都能顿悟 让你看守皇陵,没让你成绝世剑仙 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 开局无敌仙帝,打造万界第一宗 妖魔世界:我靠加点逐渐无敌 高武:神话最强传说 圣王强者召唤不停,创建无上神庭 玄幻:开局百亿倍增幅的我无敌了 八岁开始模拟的我觉醒重瞳 家族:我都大帝了,你和我退婚? 开局:我有重瞳仙骨混沌道体 国运之战:我以妖族镇诸天 开局召唤西门吹雪我决定苟在幕后 
最近更新洪荒之穿越为混沌青莲 九叔:修为暴增?是祖师爷显灵了 劫命诀 重生不想当天帝的帝后不是好帝后 仙子抚我顶 重生之最强穿越 混水摸鱼一亿年 徒儿已经不爱了,你后悔什么 天渊珠:我有一块田 重归九幽之逆转命途 变身女反派的我只想砍了男主们 九天破圣 吾乃洪荒昊天数据大帝 我元婴老怪,你跟我说高考? 仙路:无尽棋盘 随机人生:在万界穿梭的我 开局发配边疆,我于人间立仙朝 正道邪道两头抓,圣女夸我玩得花 修仙:我的金手指会刷新 帝尊归来,开局即无敌! 
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