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大家在看开局帝境宗主,无限合成仙人长老 拒绝系统的各种死法后,我无敌了 绝世唐门 天兽鼎 反派:我真没想让师尊怀孕啊! 综仙:趁白浅失忆,忽悠她做老婆 开局:签到神体,被女帝拿下 混沌吞天诀 多子多福:从娶妻开始变强 洪荒之鸿蒙世界树 
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第20章 阴影中的背叛

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“This is Yao Zhenzhen’s.” Yu Lianyun didn’t hide it. He helped He Jia'an to his feet and said, "You'd better leave now."

Li Jia'an nodded, suppressing the pain caused by the broken cheekbone on the right side of his face, and left on his back with Xin Junmao next to him again.

Yu Lianyun turned around and looked at Shimen from a distance, her eyes filled with anxiety and hope, and she thought, ``I accidentally stopped the parasite ``Huang Zichao'' for you. But I hope you survive.”

The gluttonous girl is now trapped in a recurring dream. No matter how you kill Heimorphen, Heimorphen still plays the violin, so killing him is pointless.

Gradually growing tired of the senseless slaughter, Heimorphen became more and more energetic. The movements of the scroll saw became more and more exaggerated, and the sound of the piano became louder and louder.

"I say it one last time, leave or die," Hymorphin said as the music played.

In the face of Heimorphen's threat, the gluttonous girl's deformed body stood up. He looked scared.

However, Heimorphen felt that Gluttony Girl's intense emotions gradually subsided and a strange atmosphere gradually spread.

In the next moment, the gluttonous girl's fat mass-like body suddenly became toned and she became relatively thin. The blood that flowed irregularly on the ground turned into concrete ridges and strips of plant roots. Members of both sexes crowded together, forming an upside-down umbrella shape. The indescribable gluttonous girl has finally blossomed into a human body.

At the core of the flower, the male and female branches intermingle and bee one, eventually forming a beautiful animal with half its body covered in scales and fin-like ears. His hands and fingers are intertwined as if in prayer, and his face has a sad and peaceful expression. The sky amplified his voice and sang.



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站内强推龙族 十日终焉 通房 赌石之财色无双 女配修仙,仇人祭天 官媛 院士重生:回到1975当知青 薛家嫡女 你一个交警,抢刑侦的案子合适吗 六零:爸妈死后给我留下巨额遗产 四合院:超级领悟力 四合院:大饥荒,我产粮亿万吨 红楼之谁也不能打扰我的退休生活 四合院之傻柱的小日子 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 四合院:开局报警抓傻柱 官路红颜 谍战:我其实能识别间谍 度韶华 重生徐江独子,我绝不下线 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 天材地宝杂质太多?让我提纯一下 开局废了,我开启最强进化 开局封王,从建立镇诡司开始 开局鸿蒙不灭体,碾压亿万天骄 开局:签到神体,被女帝拿下 修真:从娶漂亮师妹开始 开局无敌仙帝,打造万界第一宗 高武:爆率点满,从刷怪开始成神 洪荒:求求你别再广纳道侣了! 从天牢狱卒开始 末世:从加点开始无限进化 横推诡怪,我是极道武圣 系统赋我长生,我熬死了所有人 长生仙族,从小符师开始 魔功比魔祖强,结果你是正道魁首 枪箭武圣,从镖局记名弟子开始 开局奖励双修功法,女帝说想躺平 开局:我有重瞳仙骨混沌道体 
最近更新凡人吞天 你师兄都无敌了,你们拼什么命啊 重生冥河:什么吃瓜?是爆瓜系统 冥河主宰传说 天庭重工之为万世开太平 穿越异世:我靠反舔狗灭绿茶升级 摆烂三年,出手震惊宗门 穿越7世,我成了人类的创造神 污蔑时清高,逼我入魔后哭什么? 梦演师 家族种田崛起成为诸天万界大族 让你练武,你练成了祖巫 从当酋长开始成神 道途仙踪 天选与创世 洪荒:轮回之主 铸成魔尊从吞噬飞升开始 反派:绝美师尊废我修为,黑化了 睡一秒涨一血气,我成至强吞天蛇 剑斩诸天 
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