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大家在看六零小娇妻 快穿:疯批宿主他装得楚楚可怜 反派大师兄,师妹们全是病娇 暗区突围,卡莫纳悲歌 四合院:携带空间,纵享人生三大幸事 路明非和十七岁 木叶开始的日向宗家 绝世唐门之牧星银龙 从斗罗开始的调律者生活 斗罗:重生兽神帝天,多子多福 
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第97章 品牌 纪梵希


Givenchy and Hepburn: The Original Brand Ambassador

By Vanessa Friedman

Before there were“brand ambassadors”; before there was E!’s“Live From the Red Carpet”; before“American Gigolo” and Armani; before there were Los Angeles offices and celebrity liaisons for every fashion brand; before there were influencers, there was Hubert de Givenchy and Audrey Hepburn.

The original designer and his actress muse, Mr. Givenchy and Ms. Hepburn defined a relationship that has bee the gold standard of almost every brand. And though almost every obituary and headline since the news of Mr. Givenchy’s death this week at age 91 has referenced the relationship as core to his career, its impact went far beyond what it meant for the individuals involved.

Arguably, on the model of their 40-year relationship, an entire fashion/Hollywood industrial plex has been built.

The question for me is whether either of them would necessarily recognize the connection, as deformed and industrialized as it has bee.

It’s worth reminding ourselves, in the age of what increasingly seems like celebrities-for-hire— when dresses worn by one designer to enter an award ceremony get changed to dresses worn by another designer for the after party and famous names profess undying devotion to a brand one season and then pop up in the ads of another brand the next— that once upon a time this was about two people who found in each other kindred spirits and worked together to craft two images: that of a woman and the man who dressed her.

And that once“muse,” when applied to fashion and artist, was interpreted in the classical Greek sense of the word, as opposed to as inspiration for hire, or for public pitching.



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站内强推十日终焉 剑来 (穿书)黑莲花攻略手册 混沌天帝诀 官场从秘书开始 仙逆 院士重生:回到1975当知青 七零:穿成炮灰把家卖了去下乡 超能黄金瞳 采阴 重生大时代之王 诡秘之主 彪悍军嫂,一手烂牌打上人生巅峰 末世:多子多福,打造了个女儿国 春城风云【孙世贤】 风流神算村医 重回八零,离婚的老婆回城了 四合院:超级领悟力 穿越四合院之开局落户四合院 四合院:最强主角 
经典收藏诡秘之主 影视都市从四合院开始 四合院,我的新生 影视:开局获得阿尔法狗 诸天之百味人生 谍战:我一不小心成了军统站长 诸天:从赌圣开始 四合院:开局吓哭秦淮茹 诡秘之主:瑶光 四合院:悔婚就悔婚,我无所谓的 从呆毛王开始公开处刑 屠龙之前就读过龙族的路明非 神印:开局签到武魂六翼天使! 四合院:晋升工程师,老婆热芭 诸天摆渡:港综开局 重生1958,我在四合院放卫星 从斗破苍穹签到开始 诸天:开局被叶天帝打烂金手指 诸天妖道:从笑傲大明开始 星穹铁道:我有一剑可斩星神! 
最近更新维纳斯耶的新书 HP:卷王造就和谐社会 蔚蓝档案重新的故事 HP我的爱跨越时空 甄嬛传之重生安陵容:逆袭成太后 快穿:只想长生的宿主被迫恋爱 前男友天天盼着我破产 食光记 麒麟守护:白浅的传奇 陈情令续天地浩劫 水浒人传 重生从40年代开始 快穿:男主白月光被死对头宠上天 这一世的你格外难追 霍格沃茨:被盯上的黑魔王父子 橙子与热牛奶 黑西游:佛法东传?我大唐西征 将军归来:她杀疯了 每日热股解析 四合院:想要钱,我先送你几个亿 
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