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大家在看修炼9999级了,老祖才100级 万界天帝:从召唤华夏神魔开始 西游:贫僧不想取西经 哥布林:我的子嗣遍布世界 开局混沌剑体,打造不朽仙族 绝世女帝:没人敢要,我扛她回家 我有一剑 多子多福:从娶妻开始变强 天域丹尊 美女总裁的无敌仙医 
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Wang Qiang was worried about Lao Zhao's decision and encountered Jiang Yun who fainted from hypoxia, his mind had already bee confused. He looked at Xu Fei and sneered, "Can you try your gun fast or my hand fast?" Then he slowly tightened his grip on Lin He's neck.

Lin He shook his hands with a potbellied stomach, unable to hold Wang Qiang's fingers apart at all. His fingers were like five iron alloy rings, firmly gripping his neck.

How far ahead is it? I'll kill you right now. "Although Wang Qiang was ordered to protect Lin He, he learned that this guy was not for the purpose of manding but to give priority to escape. Wang Qiang's respect for Lin He fell short and became worthless. Such a selfish guy is simply an ugly worm.

There is still about five miles ahead, "Lin He replied with difficulty.

Wang Qiang glanced around and found that most of the positions that had been knocked down had not yet been able to stand up, and most of the people who had not received oxygen care behind could not stand up either. Wang Qiang became furious and said to Lin He, "Announce it down. I will lead the team now, including you. I don't mind letting anyone who doesn't listen die in this damn place

This is a naked attempt to seize power. Lin He is ashamed and embarrassed. Although he is infinitely afraid of death, power is his lifeblood. He may not want to die, but he cannot do without power.

You can't imagine... "Lin He growled softly.

But before he could finish speaking, Wang Qiang punched Lin He in the stomach, causing him to lose his voice and vomit uncontrollably, even spitting out the overnight meal mixed with gastric juice. The smell in the tunnel is even worse now.

Mayor Lin has agreed to manage my team from now on until I escape here, "Wang Qiangtang said, and the emperor seized the power of Lin He.



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经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 长生苟道:开局吹唢呐,送葬修仙 神话纪元,我进化成了恒星级巨兽 天赋无敌的我,一心只想苟活 从解析太阳开始 重生巫族,牧守洪荒 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 我家徒弟太勤奋了 刚成鸿蒙至尊,就被榜单曝光了! 万倍返还,我收徒百无禁忌 末世:从加点开始无限进化 玄幻:开局百亿倍增幅的我无敌了 开局签到荒古圣体 重生为鱼,十年成蛟,百年化龙! 长生不死的我只练禁术 家族:我都大帝了,你和我退婚? 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 万古神帝 逆天邪神 
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