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大家在看混沌天帝诀 闭关十万年,无敌真寂寞 逆天神尊 剑道丹尊 丹田被毁,觉醒镇天珠! 绝世女帝:没人敢要,我扛她回家 多子多福:从娶妻开始变强 洪荒之鸿蒙世界树 当上赘婿的我只好读书成圣了 我有无限灵玉,修炼界疯了 
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第53章 Nyktos的中心

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Qiandengcheng is just a rural town, but for Fang Mu, it is still not easy to find the traces of Anqin left here more than ten years ago. It covers vast distances in time and space.

But he's not without clues. Anchin must continue to follow the diary entries in his second life, including ing to the hotel where he stayed.

Upon arriving at the hotel, the receptionist and hotel owner saw Fan Mu who came to check in and noticed "Lin Sen's" delicate appearance. I looked at Fan Mu with a fake smile and spoke to him in Gai's southern dialect. Dig said, "Is this small ruined city going to explode? Within half a month, some foreigners came with soft skin and flesh, prickly..."

Fang Mu traveled back in time for several decades and taught himself the Gai Nan dialect. Different Guinan cities have different accents and speaking styles, but the pronunciation of this boss's dialect was not the same as the Guinan dialect he had learned. Although the difference was too big, Fang Mu could still understand what the boss was saying.

Fang Mu also thought for a while and said in Gai Nanese, "Have there been a lot of foreigners here recently?"

When the hotel owner heard this, his whole body suddenly trembled. He turned around in surprise and said in disbelief, "Do you also speak Guinan?"

Seeing Fang Mu's meaningful smile, the hotel owner blushed with embarrassment, coughed several times in embarrassment, then quickly turned to Fang Mu's question and said: "This is just a small town, nothing famous. It is not considered isolated, but the scenery and humanity here will not make passersby stop here. I The hotel has been open for 60 years, and counting from the time I stayed over 20 years ago, many people have e to my hotel.From other people to the place.The number of people can be counted. ”



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站内强推龙族 十日终焉 烟雨楼 重回1982小渔村 混沌天帝诀 女配修仙,仇人祭天 重生大时代之王 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 八零军媳偷跑后,禁欲首长变疯批 四合院:最强主角 你一个交警,抢刑侦的案子合适吗 重生88,从大山挖参开始! 四合院:超级领悟力 四合院,别惹我 四合院:开局报警抓傻柱 官路红颜 穿成女屠夫后,全村去逃荒 度韶华 80年代剽悍土着女 家族仙途之九境登仙 
经典收藏系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 天赋无敌的我,一心只想苟活 从解析太阳开始 让你看守皇陵,没让你成绝世剑仙 开局封王,从建立镇诡司开始 开局鸿蒙不灭体,碾压亿万天骄 长生武道:我每天都能顿悟 修仙:我用凡物合成宝物 修真:从娶漂亮师妹开始 开局无敌仙帝,打造万界第一宗 高武:爆率点满,从刷怪开始成神 洪荒:求求你别再广纳道侣了! 九叔:加入聊天群的我,无敌了! 长生仙族,从小符师开始 魔功比魔祖强,结果你是正道魁首 枪箭武圣,从镖局记名弟子开始 开局奖励双修功法,女帝说想躺平 开局:我有重瞳仙骨混沌道体 修炼从简化功法开始 
最近更新凡人吞天 赶我出家门,我成魔神你哭啥 你师兄都无敌了,你们拼什么命啊 重生冥河:什么吃瓜?是爆瓜系统 魂穿开挂,但是系统有毒 弃子修仙录 冥河主宰传说 穿越异世:我靠反舔狗灭绿茶升级 我家有个修仙界 元素仙主 穿越7世,我成了人类的创造神 混沌之境:永生之路 重生开局一团气,吞噬诸天成妖王 道途仙踪 我活着就能提升修为 杀敌就变强,吾乃无敌杀神 洪荒:轮回之主 反派:绝美师尊废我修为,黑化了 御兽:我的御兽全是兽皇 睡一秒涨一血气,我成至强吞天蛇 
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